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About me...

So how did I come to be a Psychic, Medium, Intuitive, Intuitive Life Coach, Pranic Energy Worker and all that...It's kind of a long story but if you have a minute, please read on...

​Honestly, I am not exactly sure. I do know that it began with a recurring dream that begin about 30 years back. Soon after I married a wonderfully supportive, very cute man (R.I.P - Mark/March 2019) on Halloween, of course. I began to have dreams about walking through an empty house that was familiar to me and finding secret/hidden rooms. I would always feel delighted at finding the rooms. Sometimes the room would be very lavishly decorated and sometimes in a state of disrepair, but I was always happy about finding it. Often, I was amazed at the size of the room and immediately began to plan how I could fix it up. Some nights I would dream of a house I had dreamed of before, other times it would be a different house. However, it was always a house and always secret or hidden rooms.  

After having this dream for many years, I seriously felt that "someone was trying to tell me something" I began to explore what this could mean. I finally found a dream book that resonated with me. It said the house represented "self" or "me" and the secret rooms represented unexplored aspects of myself. Now that was a "Eureka" moment (I really didn't want to say "aha" because that's kind of an Oprah thing now, and I really respect her) Anyway, back to the after I read that in the dream book, I thought, "well that's cool, but now what??"

Now in the midst of all this dream time, my awake time was pretty interesting too. My hubby and I were experiencing some very synchronistic events, lightning speed manifestation and a lot of blown light bulbs. I mean we could talk about something and it would show up on a t.v. show or we would hear it on the radio or wherever in a matter of minutes. Now I have to say we always had that going for us ever since we started dating. Our ongoing thing was "Forever Cosmic" because we really were. The light bulbs thing...I don't know. I guess our combined energy just had the tendency to blow out a lot of light bulbs. Either that or we had (and I still have) a lot of spirit activity. I believe that too.

Well, then I started noticing that I had these experiences on my own too. I also noticed that I would just know stuff about people or places even though I had never met them or been to a location. It was a little odd and intense at times. I hope I did not creep anyone out during that time but I probably did.

Around that time one of the local Atlanta metaphysical stores advertised some Psychic Development classes. I contemplated it for a year before I signed up. Honestly, I was a little afraid to do it. It's that whole, "once you know, you can never go back to not knowing" thing. At the end of the year..."w​anting to know" won out. I went and completed the classes and the rest as they (whoever they are) say is history. The dreams stopped and I knew this was the unexplored aspect of myself that was trying to get my attention.

I finally found my calling. I realized what it means when people say all roads lead to home. As soon as I accepted and embraced my abilities,​ my life gained a sense of peace that it never had before. I have found my HOME. I believe we all have this ability, but we have just forgotten that we do.

I have since become a perpetual student. Learning whatever I can. I have taken classes in Pranic Healing, Aura Therapy, Akashic Records, Crystals and many other topics. I read everything! In learning, the most important thing to do with it, is to share. That's where I am now. Trying to help others in their growth and development. I want to help as many people as I can to remember that everything you are looking for, you already have. I once read "service is the rent we pay for being on earth". It is my goal to serve every day of my life. Serving from this facet of my life is most important to me right now.

I could not do the work that I do without the support of my family and friends. They endure my never-ending task list, very eclectic and diverse interests, a very odd sleep/work/do stuff schedule, and my I "just have a feeling about this" moments. So to each of you a special thank you! And here we go...

To my Love, Mark (R.I.P.) - My beloved husband joined the other side in March of 2019. I will always be grateful and honored for what he brought to my life. We time we shared here in this realm (20 years of marriage and 3 before) will stand always. Thank you for being EZ.  I know he is continuing to guide and protect us all. He is also cheering on his Pittsburgh Steelers! (me too Mark!)

To my eldest, Landon. Thank you for teaching me valuable lessons about many things. I know having you as my son has and continues to shape me into who I am. 

To my wonderful, talented, psychically gifted second child, Mack - you are the in SO many ways. Thanks for all you do to keep the home front and me tight and right! You are my "Wawday!"

To my dog, Wraith (yeah that's him in the pic) are the cutest, smartest, best fur boy ever! Thanks for helping me keep track of the living visitors and the spirits roaming our halls! 

To my Mother - thank you for accepting and supporting me no matter what ventures I take on. Even all the ones that puzzle the hell out of you. Also for helping out at home!

To my Cuz, Leslie - There are no words to cover it all, but you know exactly what I am saying, always...thank you for that.

To my psychic/metaphysical community thank you for welcoming me into the fold with so much love.

Lastly, but most importantly, thanks to the clients that have trusted me and allowed me to be a part of your journey. I am honored, grateful and humbled!

That's my story or at least part of it! I hope to encounter you so I can hear yours.

Peace and blessings that flow like water,

Lisa Thex (BTW it's pronounced Thee-X)

Why Choose Me?​

Certified in the Anastasi System of Psychic Development with Carl Woodall

Certified Basic Pranic Healer

Certified in Aura Therapy

Double Certified Life Coach through Dr. Carolyn Porter of Where Miracles Happen and the Life Coaching Institute of America

Professional Facilitation/Training Experience (15+ years)

My company X Effect is a registered LLC

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